(if applicable)
(if applicable)

Name Phone Email

Name Phone Email

Is there an event planner or co-ordinator? If so, please provide the following:

Name Phone Email

(if multiple days or undecided, note at bottom of document under "SPECIAL NOTES")
(eg: 09:00)
(eg: 18:00)
(eg: cocktails-terrace, dinner-Ballroom)

(if outdoors, contingency plan for rain required)

(eg: 09:00)
(eg: 18:00)

Do you require any of the following?

(for wedding commisioner/vows, speeches, etc... - available as handheld, lapel or headset)
(includes three 4K cameras and two operators to live stream your event)
(for slide show presentations, powerpoint, etc…)
(featured lights around perimeter of room)
(for location with no power source)

Please indicate the style(s) of music you would like played at your event:

Song Requests: (eg: Arrival of Guest of Honour, Happy Birthday, Special Toast, etc…)

Song Title / Recording Artist Youtube Link Placement
(eg: Groomsmen, Parents, etc..)
(eg: Maid of Honour, Flower Girl, etc...)

It is beneficial for musicians to have someone to cue them for entrance of the bridal party as sight lines can sometimes be an issue on the wedding day. Please provide someone to do this. Also please ask this person to introduce themselvesto the musicians on the day of your event. (could be an event planner or friend of the family)

Please choose one song for each section of your ceremony or indicate “no preference” for the following. Please note, songs listed in dropdown menu are merely suggestions and personal requests are always welcome. For special requests please indiacte under "OTHER".
