Are you a booking agent?

We are more than just a booking agency. We converse with you to help determine your needs; we organize the music; transcribe and arrange any sheet music that is needed; keep concise notes and update changes as your event draws near; we package and send all the documentation to the entertainment you have booked; we send you a checklist email 10 days before your event and follow up afterwards to make sure everything was absolutely perfect. We do not merely take your booking and pass it on to a musical group. We liaison and walk with you every step of the way so no little detail gets overlooked. As well, Stephen Bulat, owner and primary operator of V & G  Entertainment performs at over 100 events a year.

How does the booking process work?

If you would like a quote for your special occasion or have already spoken with us and are ready to proceed with a booking, please visit our event info page here. Fill out the form  along with all the pertinent details for your event. You will be given a unique login that allows you to access this  page at any point leading up to the date of your booking. As details change, (and they often do) just login to your event page and make any adjustments that are required. (eg: music selection, contact info, schedule change …) Your event details will automatically change on our database and update our records.  Ten days before your event, we will send you a checklist email based on the information from your event page. This checklist email will also contain the contact info for the musicians performing at your event. If things have changed or somehow been overlooked, just let us know and we will make the necessary adjustments.

I want to request a quote on your event info page but I don’t have all the details yet.

Just fill in what you know. You are able to access your event page at any time leading up to your event feel free to add any details and changes as you receive them.

Can I make last minute changes such as music selection and the type of ensemble concerning my event?

In order to have adequate time to prepare we ask that we receive your final music selections no later than 30 days before your event. If you would like to make changes to the musical ensemble (and as a courtesy to the musicians that have been secured) we ask that you make no changes to the ensemble later than 90 days before your event. Ensemble personnel can be changed within 90 days of your event with a small penalty.

Am I able to make song requests and if so, is there a fee?

Song requests are never a problem and there is no additional fee.

Do you have a song list of music in your repertoire?

You can view a current song list here. The majority of the ensembles on our roster can perform any of the songs on this list. As this list extends into the thousands, we ask that if you have any special requests for music on this list that you let us know in advance in order for the group to adequately prepare and adapt the music to the ensemble.

How many songs can I request for my wedding day/event?

Feel free to request as many songs as you like. We like to suggest between 4-6 songs for the key sections of your event (eg: wedding ceremony, first dance, grand entrance…) and then allow the ensemble to build a set list based on your musical preferences and their own musical repertoire. If the live music is over programmed, this can restrict the musician’s ability to read the crowd and play to your audience. Imagine a DJ that plays a pre-determined sequence of songs and can’t adjust the music playlist when audience members are dancing or when someone makes a request.

I am getting married and have no idea how many/which songs I need to choose for my wedding ceremony!

No problem. All this is itemized on our Request a Quote/Event Info page. We have even shortlisted a list of musical pieces that in our experience work to help give you ideas. Don’t see your song on the short list? That’s okay, just let us know and we will learn it for your special event.


I would like book a musical ensemble but I have no idea what type of band I need?

Just let us know the theme of your event, the mood you want to create or what style(s) of music you want performed at your event and we will work with you to come up with the perfect ensemble. Or, if you have a youtube link or video clip of a specific song that you want performed send it to us and we will suggest the right combination of musicians to achieve that sound.

What happens if the one of the performers is ill on the day of my event?

No need to worry. These types of situations very rarely happen, but if something does occur and a member of an ensemble cannot make your event, we will send a suitable replacement so that there is no disruption to your perfect day.

Will the musicians attend the rehearsal for my wedding ceremony?

Over the last 20 years we have performed at over a thousand weddings, and that experience along with our event info page effectively streamlines and troubleshoots any issues before they occur. This eliminates the need for the ensemble to attend wedding rehearsals. If you feel strongly about wanting the musical group at your rehearsal, it can be arranged for an additional fee.

Do I need to meet and discuss my event needs with the musicians?

You do not. That is what we are for. We compile all the details for your event, including sheet music for your special requests and your full contact info and forward this to the entertainment. We also include the musician’s contact info in our pre-event checklist in case of any unexpected changes on the day of your special occasion.

Do I need to provide the entertainers with a meal?

We ask that a meal be provided for the musicians for bookings of 3 hours or more.

What will the musicians wear?

Unless otherwise specified, our classical, jazz and small pop ensembles will wear dark, formal attire. (men in dark suits with ties/women with a dark blouse/slacks or formal dress) Our cover/dance bands will dress a little more festive and our specialty acts such as our Scottish bagpiper, Mariachi or Polynesian Hawaiian band will come in full costume. Specific attire such as black tie, business casual or costume themed (eg: mardigras) can be arranged by request.

When will the musicians arrive?

The basic set up for classical, jazz and small pop ensembles is between 10-15 minutes and you can expect to see them arrive about 30 minutes before your event. The set up time for larger scale ensembles such as our dance bands varies but with load-in and sound check it can take up to 2 hours. We will discuss with you directly to arrange an appropriate set-up time that will cause as little disruption as possible to your event.

If I have the musicians take an extended break between sets am I billed for the time?

The duration of your booking is based on start and end performance time. You are not billed for the set-up time required prior to your event but if you need the musical ensemble to take an extended break due to speeches or similar that time is billed.

Will the musicians be amplified?

Based on the size and guest list of your event we will bring any amplification as required.

Can you provide a wireless microphone for speeches at my wedding/event?

Yes, a wireless mic can be provided for your wedding vows or speeches at an additional fee.

What other services do you offer?

Other services we offer are rental and set-up of the following: video projector and screen for slideshow/power point presentations, portable dance floors, ambient and dance floor lighting and even a fog machine for that dramatic grand entrance!